VEGAN White Bean and Pecan Salad and VEGETARIAN BURGER MIX Recipe

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Cynthia Choi says:

Can you make a vegetarian and a vegan playlist?

Edward Adams says:

Apparently I'm one of your few vegetarian viewers and thus greatly appreciate every meatless receipe you upload. Although I don't share your criticism of vegans/vegetarians as a whole, I can see why people who are passionate about flavors would struggle with being vegan/vegetarian more than omnivores and thus are less likely to become or stay one. I know I struggle with it.
Apart from that, I'm relatively inexperienced due to being young. Apart from buying your book "Vegetables for carnivores" (I learned of it today), do you have general advice on how to become a competent cook who can do more than following receipes? Is trying different receipes the way to gain an intuition or is there recommended theory that helps?

olletheone says:

These cheeseburgers were insanely tasty. Made bite sized for my family to taste and guess and everyone Loved it. This One is Magic. Thank you!

Louis Ufer says:

Hey Chef,
Im just posting this under the newest Video since YouTube doesnt have a way of messaging someone directly anymore (i think).
Some of your old Videos seem to be gone. In particular i cant find your gravy recipe and the beef with anardana and mint, as well as the egg Curry.
Most of your old recipes are still available, so im a bit confused. Hope you can help!

tejbzfan says:

Is it critical to have a baking vessel be entirely full for this recipe?

MozartforDinner says:

Just tried both versions. The salad (which I tried first) had a very hearty and meaty flavor, but I was still astonished at how meaty and satisfying the burger turned out! (It even impressed my vegetarian guest who was well acquainted with meat substitutes) I covered it with Gouda, but I can see how it forms a golden combination with cheddar. It is truly a shame that your vegetarian recipes get so little attention, as they really are magical.

V D says:

Damn shame the vegetarian/vegan recipes don’t get nearly as much views. I love your vegetable recipes as they display the humble veggies at their best possible light, no artificial fake meat or anything like that.

PetrichorAllegory says:

Love your vegan recipes, can't wait to try this one. Not vegan, but there's something very fun about watching and tasting the transformation into "meat" happen right before your eyes.

bestruintd says:

Hi Chef, volume 4, page 231. You’re talking about white truffle butter but are showing black truffle butter. Is the white butter from this supplier (7 eu for 30gr) worth it in your opinion? Thanks

Vicious Suspicious says:

Would be interesting to make if someone vegan/vegetarian shows up. I always like the taste of vegetarian foods, but don't take the effort to make it as often for some reason.

Beachcomber95 says:

Will be making this for work this week.

MozartforDinner says:

Your vegetarian recipes must be some of the most unique and inventive recipes I have ever seen.

Calvin Mayer says:

Looks great, can't wait to try the burger.
I've had a container of hing for about 5 years now and it never smelled that strong, certainly not strong enough to smell up the room or anything. Should I go shopping for one that does?

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